Hi! I am a Minnesota-based writer covering technology, art, psychology and family life.





Why We Value Our Phones
A psychiatrist’s perspective on devices and our distant past

Garden to Table
A kid’s guide to growing and preparing food

When It’s Time to Bloom
Relationship advice from a startup founder

What Ten Years Can Do
One ceramicist’s decade-long path to artistic success


A lyrical essay on preserving fruit and losing loved ones

Flowers and Gardeners
An essay on taking creative risks—and staying married

The Thing About High Heels
Northern Minnesotans on the sex appeal of heels

How to Capture Flow
Secrets from highly productive engineers



I have earned a living as a writer since 2005, building my career on both sides of the editorial-marketing divide. My work has appeared in Harvard Review and elsewhere. I have an MFA in creative writing from Saint Mary’s College of California, and I’ve helped clients including Target, the University of Minnesota, and Francis Ford Coppola’s Zoetrope: All-Story.

Professional highlights aside, I drive a green minivan and live near a small lake with my husband, three kids, and two dogs. I like to read good books, drink good beer, and have good people over for dinner.


Katherine was a gracious and ideal collaborator.
— Michael Ray, editor, Zoetrope: All-Story